Starbirth, Starbright 54"
Starbirth, Starbright 24"
Starbirth, Starbright has two versions, the larger one, pictured below at IQF Houston, (see November 1, 2008), and the original, which was too small to enter in "the Sky's the Limit"
(Double click to enlarge photos.)
I think they are cool side by side!
"The Sky's the Limit" will be touring for two years.
the next stops include:
International Quilt Festival, Chicago April 17-19, 2009
International Quilt Festival Long Beach, CA July 24-26, 2009
I also have two quilts in "My World in Black + White". This is a special traveling exhibit. It will be hanging at Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, VA. 2/26-3/1, 2009