Sunday, September 23, 2012

MMQ 1 + 2

30 HALF CIRCLES IN OUR FIELD [BACKGROUND] FABRIC. Plus 15 skinny strips; I'd like to find a solid? I looked for an orange and blue in may stash, but only found orange and purple. Thought I found blue and brown, but it looks purple next to the blue background. I'm thinking a brown orange, blue and green leafy batik, maybe.

SO here is half of the circles and the rectangles from part one. The other cirlces repeat the same fabrics. The colors are a little washed out in this photo.

Here is the piece I'm considering for the skinny strips. Of course we don't know where they go in the quilt...

AND just for fun, a quick baby quilt: a large striped print on one side, and soft (green) flannel on the back.


Sylvia said...

I like where your mystery quilt is headed. I still haven't pulled any fabric for this. Maybe next week if I finish my baby quilt in a timely manner.

Anonymous said...

Your progress is very interesting. I like the colors. I have never had to make a baby quilt, but I like the easy process you use. I will consider doing that... if one is ever needed. =-)